How I Celebrated the End of the World

Lot No 3Hang on – it’s 6:00 p.m. – I hear some rumblings – be back soon (I hope).

Oh, it was just the local ice cream truck – that eerie kid enticing music threw me of guard.

OK – I’m not going to ream this old fart that had been predicting the end of the world, for the second time in two decades.

But what about his idiot followers that pissed away million of dollars in whatever asinine way one pisses away millions.

Well that’s now their problem and if they are smart they will hire a good Jewish Lawyer.

My point is simply this – pull your head out of you anus and think with you brain. God gave you a brain to use for rational thought.

One would hope the days of cult brainwashing would someday be banished from the globe – but like the flu virus, it never dies.

How and why the nut-cases of the world can generate millions of dollars to convince millions to act like absolute fools is beyond comprehension.

Given 43% of Americans believe such an event will happen before 2050 (a safe date), I say we have entered a new dark age. A new dark age of ignorance, at a time when so much new knowledge is being generated.

Interesting how America sinks as the rich and powerful grow more rich and powerful. Their betting on the science: a billion years before the sun makes living here uncomfortable, given a nuclear holocaust, super volcano or rogue meteorite cooperate, and don’t do us in first.

Point being: live your life in fear of those things you have no control over, best consider buying a gun and pointing it your way. No I don’t really mean that, but you get the point.

Meanwhile I ended the night with a Lot 3 IPA (well actually 2). Piney Point was perfect for the last day of the world. Looks like gravitation is pulling me into an orbit over Florida and California. Odd as I just want to go back to Spain!

Sleep well all! Sorry to hear that work, again comes on Monday. Next big hurdle come 12-21-12 when the Mayan Calendar ends the world again. No rapture this time, as those Mayans were pagans.

Until then we can distract ourselves with a little political humor: the Republicans have to select a presidential candidate. Trump and Newt already imploded, but that was just the first act. Bachmann and Palin will soon be entering the center ring!


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