Let the Migration Begin

For the Sandhill Cranes, the Platte River is a brief stop-over to refuel on last season’s corn crop. They are named for their preference to gather on the foliage-free sand banks of the river, as it is collectively safer than the dense vegetation along those banks.

From what I have read, they hang around for a week or so, gorging themselves before heading to their summer homes, which can be as far as Alaska. The locals seem to take as much notice of these birds as they do the cattle – that is to say, not much. But during these few weeks all of the hotels are filled with bird lovers from around the world. Reservations are needed to enter the best view areas.

As for me, I cross the river daily to reach my client’s site. I stopped this morning and trekked along the river banks to get a closer look. If I were a true bird lover I’d have my tripod and a good 600mm lens – but I am not. A short video would have been a bit more impressive, as it would have captured their chaotic movement and the eerie sound that only thousands of cranes can make.

My migration begins tomorrow as well – back to Piney Point, Washington DC for the Cherry Blossoms and New York City to pitch some new products. It will all be a welcome relief from the daily grind – and to be in some urban areas for a time.


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