Simplicity One Chair Legs – too Whimpy

Simplicity One Chair Legs – too Whimpy

Ha – the two wood-gods that monitor here will chuckle (or cringe) when they see this photo. Modeling in Autodesk Inventor has its limits – a real prototype has its merits.

I discarded the idea of carbon fiber legs in the prototype Simplicity One Chair, as they were too costly and too light. But one-inch hardwood legs will likely not support this ever-growing-heavier American market.

Maybe Asia, but those legs will now be 1.5 inches square to avoid liability. My Hong Kong investors chime in tomorrow – expectations are understandably low.

Anyone in Sheboygan remember Thonet Industries? Michael Thonet was the innovator in steam bent wood furniture in Germany in the 1800’s. The Sheboygan plant burnt to the ground well after I left – but I still remember the process!


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