Sockeye Salmon Sandwich

Sockeye Salmon Sandwich

My favorite at-home lunch of late: wild caught red salmon with hard-boiled egg, chopped onion, sweet relish and mayo. Grilled Munster cheese on whole wheat bread with ripe tomato and avocado. Recipe still evolving!

1 6 oz. can of boneless/skinless red salmon – drained
1 hardboiled egg – diced
1 tablespoon each of mayonnaise and sweet relish (ok maybe a bit more)
1/8 cup of finely chopped onion
2 slices of Munster cheese (I think any white cheese would work)
½ ripe avocado
1-2 slices of ripe tomato
Dash of paprika, seasoned salt and black pepper

Shell and dice the hard-boiled egg. Finely chop the onion. Open and drain the salmon. Mix all three in a bowl. At the relish, mayo and seasoning and mix again.

I use a toaster over to grill the whole wheat bread with the cheese for about 4 minutes. While its grilling, slice the tomato and avocado . Assemble while hot. I like to add some raw vegetables and a chilled glass of tart cherry juice.


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