Spared Again

My home in Potomac Beach experienced the highest tide since Hurricane Isabel. Oddly as we were preparing for a historic rain event, all we got (so far) is really high tides and nasty winds. It may not rain at all.

Meanwhile the Carolinas have not done as well – with an onshore system sucking moisture from the hurricane. Historic rains predicted, and I wish all is well in Low Country as that was my home not so long ago.

Funny as even though this hurricane is still hundreds miles away, the impact here is dynamic – the only road to St. George Island is flooded.

I’m leaving again for the Midwest to aid a client. I’m timing my departure before tomorrow’s high tide, in the event Piney Point Road is flooded.

Funny – 1000+ homes were lost in the last series of California fires. I can’t imagine that! But no news there.


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