Welcome to the Feedlot

No toilet paper allowed here!

So about all of these cattle, after seeing me ran to me – as if to say – get me out of this hell. One ran to me exceedingly fast. She’s remembered here forever. Cows in a pasture never do that!

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Do cows have feelings?

Unrelated of course: One of my new year’s resolutions is to finally and permanently give up fast food. Not that I’m a blatant abuser, but I tend to make exceptions when on the road or in a rush. And the so called premium sit down restaurants are just as bad and likely worse.

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I never saw a cow move so fast – what does she want from me?

After today I am rethinking the entire meat-eating thing. These photos are appalling. Likely pigs chicken and turkeys don’t have it any better.

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Sorry guys – nothing I can do for you!

This is life in the feedlot – imagine living in your own shit only later to become a Big Mac?



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