Leaving Piney Point

Leaving Piney Point

Well, I achieved only about half of my intended mission this week in Piney Point.

But what the hell, it was really intended to be a vacation (odd that one would take a vacation at one’s home, but that’s what I do).

Soon I will be sitting in my Virgin America 1st class window seat, sipping fine wine, whilst chasing the sun back to Los Angeles.

With a full day of rest tomorrow, a Pacific Coast Highway cruise seems in order.

The reality of designing & building flying electric taxis of the future will not hit until Monday. Of course, that is a delightful challenge unto itself.

I was thinking to sell this place (while it is still sellable).

For future generations, most of St. George Island and Piney Point will be swallowed up by the mighty Potomac River, as waters rise here in the Chesapeake Bay Area.

But as much as I know California will be my home for now and in the future, it is always rejuvenating to come home here.

I think I will continue to use Piney Point as my escape, at least when the weather is near ideal.

But for now, the Endless Summer of California begins!


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