Stranded in Downtown Indianapolis

Stranded in Downtown Indianapolis

The adage to “follow your intuition” is proving true tonight. The story is too long to bore anyone with, but briefly, I needed to have the car repaired before leaving Piney Point. Hurricane Florence prevented the parts from being delivered last Thursday (and Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday).
So, against my better judgment (intuition), I decided to start the journey. Driving with worn struts can’t be all that bad, can it?

All seemed fine, but a little bouncy, until hitting the bumpy roads of Indianapolis. My gracefully aging BMW was clearly suffering. By fate (why coming), I checked into the Residence Inn in downtown Indianapolis (I generally stay at the desolate one near the airport, as it is right off I-70, but it was booked for tonight).

As I drove into the gated parking lot, it was clear to continue the journey would be unwise – better be stuck in a major metro area than in the middle of nowhere next to a corn field. The Marriott thankfully extended my stay by a day. I have an awesome view of downtown. Tomorrow at 8:00 a.m.

I will call Ress Motor Works, a 5-star BMW repair shop 3 minutes from the inn. Can they get the parts, or even schedule a repair tomorrow? What will it cost? TBD.

In the meanwhile, why sweat the small stuff? Millions are suffering because of Hurricane Florence, and I simply have a bit of a challenge to get to Santa Cruz.

The pluses: I had a fantastic dinner at the famed Sahm’s Taverns, had no idea that Salesforce had such a remarkable presence in this city and totally enjoyed the vibe of walking around an urban area much cooler than I could have imagined, but I passed on the cigar lounge pictured.

More as it develops. Life is truly an adventure, but not always a 100% pleasant one.


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